via Instagram
Happy Easter!
Sorry it takes me so long to actually write anything on these automated posts. I thought if I could link some of my Instagram posts to my blog I would actually be better at keeping content here fresh, but I that hasn't necessarily been the case.
Part of my lack of motivation is that a year ago Google/Blogger did something to the way their blogs are indexed in the search engine and it really screwed everything up. It isn't just me, it sounds like from reading the message boards that it adversely affected everyone. I went from my posts having 300 to 600 readers to now only 30-60 (if I am lucky). While I am not doing this just to have a big following, it is not very motivational to spend hours photographing baskets, editing them, writing about them, etc., only to have a hand-full of people even see them.
Anyway, thanks for hanging in there with me. I will keep plugging away.
Happy weaving,