Monday, August 12, 2019

2019 JoAnn Kelly Catsos Workshop

 Please join us this fall in St. Louis, Missouri for an exciting workshop with JoAnn Kelly Catsos.

Thursday-Sunday, October 17-20, 2019
9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

1.5" diameter x 7.5" long
This unique project begins with a teleidoscope (like a kaleidoscope but with no moving parts). Using basketmaking techniques, you will weave with precisely prepared black ash splint of contrasting darker heartwood stakes and lighter sapwood weavers. The math behind different twill possibilities will be discussed to create your own one-of-a-kind teleidoscope.

Medium Lightning Bowlt
6" diam. x 2.5" deep

The lightning bowlt pattern on this bowl is striking due to the contrast between the stained brown stakes and the lighter black ash weavers. In a previous workshop we made the original 9.5" diameter version and a special mini 4.25", this time JoAnn has designed a special 6" version just for us to complement the set. If you haven’t made the other two let this one be your start.

6" diam. x approx. 6" tall
You will start weaving the vibrating zig-zag twill pattern on a 6" mushroom mold using stained stakes and lighter black ash weavers. Once you reach the top of the mold you will remove the basket and continue weaving free-form, shaping as you go. The basket will be finished off with hardwood rims and lashed with waxed linen.
Workshop fee for all three baskets

Class fees includes all materials, handouts and use of mold, weaving stand and tools.

Level: Intermediate/Advanced
Twill experience is required for this class and patience and attention to detail is helpful.

Instructor: JoAnn Kelly Catsos

Contact: Tony Stubblefield
if you would like to receive registration information