Saturday, April 24, 2010

One Year Anniversary!

Shoot, I missed my one year anniversary of blogging. I can't believe I have already been doing this for a year. My original goal was to post something once a week, but I didn't make it. Though 43 posts isn't too bad, pretty close to 4 posts a month.

Thanks for all the positive feedback and words of encouragement throughout the year!


  1. Happy belated anniversary! I enjoy your blog and the posts you give to us.

  2. Congratulations on the one year anniversary Tony, it's pretty difficult to keep up on a really regular schedule. Especially when you have another life, too!

    In July I will be celebrating SIX years of blogging and of course, started with the best intentions of daily posts!

    Now, I try for three or four posts a day and even at that, I work hard to complete them.

    Hang in there buddy, I really like reading your posts, no matter how often you make them!

    The Wicker Woman® - Cathryn Peters
